Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Chasing the long tail?

It's a been a great year for me. I hope you are feeling the same.
One of the things I like to each quarter of the year is look at how my business as gone and make any needed adjustments to it for the rest of the year. At the end of the year I take some time to review the year and dust off the business plan and make adjustments as needed.
We all love our practices working with people or animals or both, but may be somewhat ambivalent about the business side of our business.
One of the problems that I see with the body therapy world, a service business, is that we may get caught in the "Long Tail" of the service world. The long tail is a statistical term to describe an event over time. If we look at our practices as a service we may see some of the long tail in the way business has been: We open our doors and have a number of clients use our service, then someone else--the competition--opens their doors and our practice suffers. Rather than being happy that we have competition, which we seek for our own lives--we like that there are more than one oil change places driving price down--we get freaked out. Now instead of looking at our own business and why it's not doing as well, we chase after some other modality or product to offer, which returns us, if only briefly, peak before we're back in the long tail.
If you want to read more about this and some ideas on how to make the long tail profitable visit free articles at

Monday, December 29, 2008


It's pretty ominous to label a blog entry "strokes". What I'm going to talk about here is the "strokes" that are used in working with animals. I've been asked by many people about the differences between a Structural Integration stroke and those used in other modalities, like massage.
My answer is that there is no such thing as an SI specific stroke and that all other strokes come in two flavors: those that are disruptive and those that are organizing the tissue. The focus of SI is organization of the body. As such most of SI occurs with the appropriate application of an organizing stroke or touch, which usually follows some disruption of a tissue holding or lesion.
Some Background
About 15 years ago the AMTA brought together a group of high level practitioners to lay out a map of the different types of body therapy. Two of the members were Rolfers, Tom Myers and Jeff Maitland. This group came up with a "hierarchy" of body therapy in three distinct paradigms: relaxation, symptom relief and wholism. Each level of the hierarchy includes aspects of the level below it but not the one above it. So, relaxation can occur when a symptom is relieved but rarely--I won't say never--does a relaxation modality relieve a symptom, nor should it be used for this. The paradigms are labeled first, second and third, and have come to be used in the Rolfing community to describe different types of interventions. For instance, a Rolfer might say that helping a vertebral segment that is stuck in a rotation to de-rotate is second paradigm. Pure Rolfing is considered,by us Rolfers,to be third paradigm or wholistic in its view and application. Of course one may move up and down this paradigm ladder to achieve a specific goal.
Back to the strokes.
Most people are very good at disrupting the tissue but organizing is a skill that takes years to learn. This is why most of the description of body patterns lend themselves to disruption; knots, spasm, holding... Contrast this with third paradigm descriptions like; the feet are not relating to the knees,or there's a strain in the AO which is causing a rib to come up, etc.
What this leads to is a plethora of modalities which all aim at symptom relief through disruption with very little relational, or whole body organization consideration--I'm not saying none just little. This focus on disruption leads us to create measurement tools like Myofascial or Body Mapping (this is a system developed by Sharon Giammetto Ph.D, PT, who copy righted the term). These systems focus our attention on the "problem" holding areas that need to be released rather than on the whole body organization. If one is releasing holding patterns than everything is good, even if the ultimate cause of the pattern remains.
Don't get me wrong, the release of these holdings, if you will, is highly effective in helping a body. If there is a restriction to blood flow to an area and the restriction is removed this is beneficial to the body. It's just not SI, it's second paradigm work of relieving symptoms, which is not a bad thing.
Modalities like sports massage, neuromuscular, MFR... are all second paradigm. Very effective but not at the top of the hierarchy. Most of what people call SI, is, as I mentioned before, second paradigm until it becomes relational. Too often the new SI practitioner gravitates towards the second paradigm modalities to provide them with some "ground" that pure SI work seems to lack.
Dr. Rolf gave us a series of sessions that provide us with a container or safety net while we practice and learn SI. She asked us to stay with this program for at least 5 years, until we could learn from it how a body could be organized.
She admonished us that anyone can take a body apart but few could put one back together. As such there are no SI strokes there is only an SI view which utilizes the strokes of the other two paradigms, just like a paint brush in the hands of a house painter puts paint on a wall while in the hands of an artist creates art. (No offense to house painters.)

Monday, October 27, 2008

How smart are our animals?

This isn't going to be some cogent dissertation on animal intelligence, rather it's more of my early morning musing.
This morning at 6:45am I went out to feed my horses, which this time of year means letting them into one of my pastures. I have a routine that I follow: I go into the barn, say good morning to the horses, and get the halter for the most dominant horse. Usually this horse walks in out of the paddock in "his" stall and I put the halter on and lead him to my larger pasture, which can take more feeding pressure. Some mornings the dominant horse doesn't come in, and instead stands by the gate to the paddock to be--I assume--to the pasture which is off the paddock. I always think this is because there is something that grows in this pasture which isn't in the other one and he wants a change in his diet. That is an Anthropomorphism on my part the assignment of a human characteristic to an animal.
Most mornings I have to lead the horses across the driveway to another larger pasture. I take them across one at a time since I'm pretty sleepy in the morning and the chance's for a mistake are higher and safety rules!
Now that it's getting colder, 28 degrees this morning, I feed hay in the morning, summertime is pasture only in the AM and hay in the PM. For my larger pasture I set up some hay feeding stations, one more than the number of horses so they can eat and not fight.
In anticipation of having to do this the next morning I set up the stations a couple nights ago. Yesterday when I went out to feed and the dominant wanted to go out in the closer pasture... The hay I put out stayed out in the other pasture.
This morning when I moved the horse, pretty exciting on a cold morning with a hot horse and turned him loose he immediately went to the hay, which was covered in frost, that I had put out two nights before.
When I brought out the next horse I thought I would have to show him where I had put out more hay, but he walked right to it, even though it was 60 feet from the first horse and across my irrigation "ditch"--a two foot wide by two foot deep cut in the pasture.
Here's the intelligence question: Did the first horse see, smell or know that there was the hay out? Did the second horse use some logical reasoning, deduction, to determine that there was another hay pile, or did he see, smell... it? By logic I mean he's thinking: Horse one is eating hay, he'd have to see this and associate what is being eaten as hay and not pasture grass, therefore there must be another hay pile and it's usually over there...?
A little more,when I came into the house the cat came up to me and meowed until I said "show me what you want", she then ran over to her feed dish, one of those autofeed things, and it was empty, she needed food and was telling me. Was this a sign of intelligence or of habit?
Any comments?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Seabiscuit part 3

First let me say thanks to Jerry B. for pointing out that Phar Lap wasn't a small horse. I think I got this from a picture which may have been Seabiscuit and I got confused.
Never the less--that's how you imply that you're still correct--his power came from his lumbar coiling and his ewe neck contributed to his ability to coil, especially if he had restricted shoulders. Whereas Seabiscuit had a really nicely set on neck and an ability to rise between the shoulders to coil the lumbars.
Lumbar coiling is a very important feature in promoting power in the rear, this is what Dolphins and whales do. While other marine life, fish, don't have this movement. They have lateral bending but not coiling. If we postulate the whales and dophins evolutionarily returned to the oceans from land; then we can postulate that this movement is terrestial and returned with them. So what does this imply? Why was lumbar coiling so important to terrestial life that it adapted it, and that dolphins and whales retained it? I'm still pondering this one.
I first started on this track of analysis in 1995 when I read the proceedings from the "Second Congress on Low Back Pain", my initial interest was applying this to humans--my primary practice--but it quickly mapped over to my work with horses and then with dogs. The key to the coiling--take this with a grain of salt--is the lumbar aponeurosis which is a large fascial "sheet" in the lumbar region of the back. The aponeurosis acts like a spring in that it stores energy from the coiling of the rear end and returns it during the ground phase of the stride. (I'm defining the ground phase as the from the time the foot hits the ground to the time it leaves it, this is obviously part of protraction, or the stance phase.) The aponeurosis is stretched by the coiling as well as the brachiocephalicus stretching the latissimus which attaches into the aporneurosis and the humerus.
By the way it's this aponeurosis that gives Tiger Woods his phenomenal driving ability.
The question is: Why did this adaptation take place in evolution and only in mammals? Was it a part of the legs moving under the body? (amphibian legs are on the outside of the body)
Much more to think about.
By the way, if you look at Seabiscuits pictures you'll see he's really over at the knee on the left fore. I'm writing a two part article about working with one cause of this in Natural Horse Magazine, the first part is the next issue. I'll venture that this didn't slow him down because he was able to dynamically move his Center of Mass towards his rear legs, this is what dressage people call "lightening the forehand".
thanks for reading this.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Seabiscuit Part 2

I've written in the past that I am concerned about how erroneous information gets propagated as fact. To hopefully not propagate erroneous information I want to write a little more about the SeaBiscuit article.
In my analysis one reason why Seabiscuit was so effective was his ability to coil his lumbars and therefore have his rear feet on the ground for a long time, transferring energy to the job of moving the body (center of mass or COM. Seabiscuit could do this, lumbar coil, because his shoulders were free enough to allow the thorax to rise between them. This is obvious when watching him walk, the initiation of the movement happens with the upward movement of the sternum. The free shoulders allows Seabiscuit's neck to rise at the base and round at the top. This is what we want.
Contrast this with Phar Lap, who also had a phenomenal lumbar curving movement but not free shoulders. To allow for the tissue length needed to coil Phar Lap, since he couldn't raise his thorax, brought his head up and bulged the base of the neck out--ventrally--causing a ewe neck.
The error that I am concerned about spreading is one that postulates that the important function in lumbar coiling is the rounding of the back, its not! The rounding is a secondary effect, and important one, but not the initiator. What allows and causes the rounding is the thorax rising between free shoulders. This is often called "lightning the forehand" or "collection" or moving the weight to the rear...which all happens as a result of shoulder freedom.
The next time you look at a horse moving at a canter or gallop--this is where the lumbar coiling is obvious--look for the rising of the thorax between the shoulders that precedes the coiling. If there isn't much coiling than there isn't much shoulder freedom.

Monday, September 29, 2008


I rented a documentary on Seabiscuit that was a compilation of "lost" newsreel footage about him.
What was really impressive is how small he was relative to the horses that he raced against, 15hh, how much lumbar coiling he was able to achieve and how fluid his body was. The lumbar coiling is the transfer mechanism for energy to the ground to allow the Center of Mass to be propelled forward. Through the coiling the spring mechanism of the lumbar aponeurosis is engaged as is the lattismus dorsi muscle/fascia. The greater the coil the more time the rear feet are on the ground and therefore the greater the energy exchange that occurs.
Increased lumbar coiling is one of the things that I look for in a horse that I am working with as a sign that the work is progressing well.
Another small horse with phenomenal lumbar coiling is the Australian racing legend Phar Lap.
If you go to youtube and watch the match race, here's the link, pay attention to how the two horses move their rear at the walk, around 51 seconds into the video. You can see that Seabiscuit is much more "reachy" with his rear legs a sign of a topline that can lengthen. You can also see, for people who've trained with me, the "wave" of energy from the GRF moving along the spine and out the head.
Phar Lap on the other hand was not as subtle along the top line and got his length through turning his neck upside down, or ewe neck, which positioned the poll closer to the rear feet.

Friday, September 26, 2008

How Important is Gravity?

I've been writing about what I'm calling the movements of evolution.
This started when I noticed that my dog Jake has a "fish" walk, not a trot just a walk. This journey was also sparked by my reading Serge Gracovetsky's book, "The Spinal Engine" that premises that bipedal locomotion starts in the spine and not the legs.
I took Jake swimming the other day--actually he swims a lot but I noticed something the other day--and noticed that his swim gait is a walk, not a trot, and that while he was swimming or walking in water--not on--his pelvis movement was that of a mammal and not a fish! Can we postulate that water removes the effects of gravity? If so than we can also postulate that whatever causes him to walk like a fish is dependent on gravity.
More thought is needed.
I'm working on animations of the different pelvis movements and will post them to the website when they're done.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Evolution of Movement

I'm going to start this discussion--is that a correct thing to say in a blog?--with the evolution of movement, from fish to mammal, with some talk about bipeds but mostly about quadrupeds. Then I'll talk a little about my thoughts on how movement deviations, or those things we see in our animal clients that aren't right, and what they may mean from a therapeutic intervention perspective.
Let's start.
Evolution has a interesting characteristic--it doesn't like to replace things that are working with new features, unlike computer programs! What this means is that potentially all of evolutions movements, or perhaps better put, all of the movements that were experienced in evolution are still present in the body, not removed but built on.
I'm suggesting that there are 4 movements that are in a mammalian body:
1. The notochordal movement of the cranio-sacral rythm. This is the opening/closing movement that we see in a flower or a notochord!(that makes sense) This movement isn't always considered in a list of evolutionary movements.
2. The lateral movement of the fish. The fish moves laterally, or side to side. The evolutionary separation from the jelly fish is the introduction of a spine, which allows for a counter or antagonistic relationship of the muscles. The fish's muscles are found laterally. The fish has limited movement control because the muscle orientation only allows for one force vector.
3. The amphibian and reptile. Here we see the first limbs, fish with legs and a neck, which makes it easier to get the head to the food. The limbs are not under the body but to the outsides. Movement is still primarily laterally controlled.
4. Mammalian. Here the legs are under the body and the movement is more in the sagital plane rather than lateral. The lateral musculature has moved into the dorsum and ventral aspects of the of the body. Think about this. In the mammal we don't encounter much muscle in the lateral aspects of the body, this is where the ribs are.
When we look at a biped or a quadruped we can see these later 3 movements if we watch the pelvis. Some individuals will walk with a rear the wraps around the spine, I call this the Marilyn Monroe walk. This correlates with the fish.
Next is the hips that move up and down which is in the next phase of evolution, or the reptile/amphibian.
Lastly is the mammalian which moves in the sagital plane of dorsal/ventral, anterior/posterior.
This is all good but what causes the body to assume a pattern that is lower in the evolution scheme of things?
More later.

A Little Help

Hello All;

I need a little help. People have taken the survey and want to know more about movement. I'm happy to write about it but need to know at what level? I could start with the evolution of movement, this is my current passion. Or I could start with the simple, how to you look at movement?
What would you like?
I'll post on evolution tonight since that's what I'm keen about right now.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What makes a myth stick?

I taught a course in July where I presented a theory about how horses develop a cyclic on/off tissue pattern. The graphic I used was of a horse with the "on" portions one color and the "off" portions another. This looked like bands and I used the word band to describe them... the "on" band, etc. Later as we were working with horses the question came up about the "bands" and this seemed to be a new term that was being used. I put a stop to it, I hope, but it could have been the start of a new myth that horses have "bands of tissue", perhaps even different colors!
In my profession, Rolfing, there are a lot of myths that have propegated over the years. When I talk with someone and one of them comes up I label them a myth. My definition of a myth is something that hasn't been independently verified to exist. It doesn't mean that they don't exist just that they don't have more than one source.
It seems that with animals we "alternative" therapists promote a lot of myths. Of course one could argue that the conventional therapists are also guilty of this, like the myths that they understand everything about the drugs they use.
Another source of myths is the new breed of horse owner, that is not satisfied with their horses being horses but need them to be something mythical. They're not satisfied with the manure, the wood chewing, the rolls in the mud or the impatient neigh as you walk out to feed in the morning. They need to have something akin to a Unicorn that is magical beyond their mundane view of the world. But, I'll challenge, the mundane is actually where the magic is, the "ordinary" magic of the sound of wind in the grass, of geese flying overhead, coyotes howling in the night after eating the neighbor's dog. We don't need to look outside of the phenomenal world to find magic because it already is. And, it doesn't need to be mythical if we just pay attentions to it.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

New Article in Natural Horse

Leave it to me to forget about writing while writing.

I was asked to write an article about "sway" back in horses for Natural Horse Magazine. Randi the publisher is a great editor and is very patient with my lack of writing education.

I approached the article from the soft tissue perspective and what I called "saggy" back. There is a discussion of the coupled spinal movements in the article. It also covers some physiology and techniques for working with this condition.

The article should be in the Sept. issue.

More Spinal Movement musing

One of the great things about Dr. Gracovetsky's talk is that it answered some questions and posed many more, at least for me. The information presented was at a fairly high level and not directly useable in a body therapy practice.
I want to write a little about what I'm doing with it. There will be more on the website, as I develop it.

The spine can be modeled as a semi rigid column--remember that the orientation and adaptation of the human spine is not identical to a quadruped's and a dog is differet than a horse--as such it is subject to certain rules of coupled motion. The motions that the spine can do, are: Side bend, flex/extend and axial rotation. If any two of these motions occurs, the third is introduced or coupled with them. In other words, if a horse is landing after a jump and turning towards the next one, its spine is in extension and side bending, therefore it will also axially rotate. You can see this in some of the dramatic pictures of Grand Prix jumpers.

One of the things that I got confused about in my evolution of movement was the idea that fish only had lateral side bending as their main movement, without the flex/extend and axial rotation. Dr. Gracovetsky cleared this up for me in his talk.

Look for more about this on the website in the free article and video section.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

So little time...

It seems like it takes me more time than I like to write to this blog. But, I am very busy, all of my private practices are very busy this summer. We've started the Equine Myofascial Release DVD, videoing. I'm hoping it will be available by December. I am reviewing new books for the online fascial anatomy course. AND we put out a new website last week,, give it a look and let me know what you think.

I went to a talk by Serge Gracovetsky last night. He's the author of "The Spinal Engine", the talk was supposed to be on the evolution of spinal movements from Fish to Humans, but it really wasn't. Even so, it was a wonderful talk by a very funny Nuclear Physicist, is that possible? I learned a lot, had a lot that I have been thinking about confirmed and had many new ideas sparked.

The Equinemyofascialrelease group on Yahoo has been pretty active. We've had one person who's been realy sparking things for us with a discussion of her horse. I'm working on an animation of some of the concepts I've been talking about on the group which will be on the new website.

That's all for now.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Way too long since the last one

WOW! It's been way to long since I last wrote anything here. I decided today that I need to start writing every week at least or?
It's been 5 weeks since I had a day off. Some great courses in May. A tornado during the equine course!
Last night we shot/video'd the first shots of the Equine MFR DVD. If you have any requests for what we should cover send and email through the website.
I've been really working hard on a new website, the problem is that when I go into an intensive teaching and practicing schedule I forget what I wanted in the website. It takes me a day to get back up to speed and then I'm back into practicing... Anyway I hope to have the new site up by this weekend.
I've also been reviewing an number of books Kinesiology, Biomechanics for the online course, which takes a long time, at least for me--I read every word--and time is at a premium for me.
My latest passion is the spinal movement I've written about in the past, worm, reptile and mammal. I've been doing alot with this, mostly study and modeling. I'll be producing some videos--I bought a Glidecam 2000 pro over the weekend--to illustrate what I'm talking about. They'll be posted for free on the website.
Enough for now. Country internet is not that reliable.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Uncovering or working with?

Rolfers are famous for the modality we use and it's ability to change the structure of our clients. When the practitioner thinks that it is something that they are introducing into the clients structure which is creating the change this creates a problem. In other words these practitioners think that they are intruducing some "thing" into their clients which didn't previously exist.
I rebelled against this somewhat egocentric way of working with clients. My rebellion led me to a different concept; what we were doing is "uncovering" something inherent in our client's structure which was good by chipping away what was hiding this inherent "better" posture.

My analogy was that Rolfing a body was like sculpting was to a piece of granite. The sculptor didn't add to the granite but rather freed the scuplture that was bound by it. This is different than the idea that we don't to work with resolution of a body's problems but rather enhance the good, functional parts that exist in the body and that these somehow can rise above the restrictions to express themselves.

This is a nice concept but rather simplistic to my current thinking, I reserve the right to change my thinking. To my current thinking the body will always be as energetically efficient as it can be in that particular moment. In other words, the body has no allegiance to anything, postural, habitual, movement... that it doesn't deem to be energetically efficient. Given this the posture we see, the movement we see will be the BEST that that body can perform at that time, in that moment, if you will.

What we, as change agents, want, is not induce change in the structure but rather suggest to the body a new, improved--more energy efficient--way to be. If this suggestion is accurate then the body will accept it, no questions asked. If it's not then it will be rejected also without bias. The trick, to me, is to make a number of small suggestions, to break the interventions down into easily discerned parts and then step back and see if they were accepted. This is in leiu of making larger broader less discriminated interventions that may not be accepted in whole, but who's smaller parts may have been.

Energy efficiency is the name of the game. From this perspective, every posture we see is predicated on its being the most energetically efficient one, for that body at that time. The danger of learning concepts like conformation and postural analysis is that we can become fixated on what we think is important for a body and forget to let the body show us what it needs. By making small interventions and seeing if they've been accepted before making another suggestion for change we can; build on our successes, work more efficiently, not waste the nervous system attention we need for change to occur...
What do you think?

You gotta love computers

I love computers. They allow us to communicate with others like never before. They allow us to see how our business is doing with just a little effort. They provide us with the opportunity to really understand what's important in life, what's happening now or what you've worked on for the last 9 months. They do this when they crash!
I had a disc drive crash early this year. The day that I was going to finish my canine video. Got up in the morning, got ready to go into my office at home and work. I hit the keyboard, which usually brings the computer back to life in the morning, failed this time. The blue screen of death is what they call it in the windows world.
I spent the day, that I had scheduled to work on the canine video, running around to the computer repair people, I could care less about the computer I wanted the info on the drive.
I finally decided, late that night, to buy another computer, I could always return it if I needed to and external enclosure so I could pull the drive out of the old computer and continue to work. Unfortunately, what had crashed was not my computer but the drive. Windows has a problem that can corrupt the initial indentity block, this isn't what it's really called but I'm not writing a tech report, that tells drive where it's identity is! This renders the drive useless, actually less than useless since it will crash the computer, or not let it boot.
Now I'm really incensed and mad even. This is when my meditation training comes into perspective and I realize that there's nothing I can do unless there is. But either way it doesn't pay to worry about it, besides I have to see 6 human clients the next day and I'm booked for the rest of the week.
Thursday's I'm in my Longmont studio and luckily Adam Silver, has his video and photography studio in the same building. Adam is an Apple guru. What does this have to do with my Windows disc drive? Alot! It turns out that the Apple operating system, so scoffed at by windows folks, doesn't need to see that first ID block on the disc to know what's on it, that's a windows thing. Adam is able to "see" all of my disc info and, that's a big and, get it to another drive for me.
To make an already long post shorter, we were able to get the video information, not the formatting which is another story, and recreate the video after three weeks of work. This puts not only the video but every other project I'm working on, behind by three weeks. This isn't to mention the problems we had with our replicators.
Moral to the story, back up to another drive frequently, you never know when a crash will occur. The bigger the drive the more you lose!
We hope to have proofs of the Canine Myofascial Massage/Release DVD next week. It's a 2 disc set due to the amount of information on it.
take care

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Evolutionary movement #2

I've already talked about how mammalian movement has evolved: from an dorsal/ventral undulation that we see in a worm, to the addition of lateral spinal bending that we see in fish, snakes and reptiles, to the anterior/posterior movement of the legs and arms that we see in mammals. These three movements are not only 3 distinct movements but are also a integration of one on the other. In other words, the primitive movement of the worm is still present in the body and contributes to the amphibian movement. The summation of the previous two, worm + amphibian, plus a change in leg position = the mammalian movement.(The mammalian leg position, under the body rather than to the side of it, as in a reptile, predicates the mammalian movement.)
Since the mammalian movement is the highest order--at least to us--or most complicated, it depends on the foundation of the other two being present for it to occur. If there is a deviation or loss in one of the lower two movements the higher ordered one can not occur. While the lower two movements are always present they are usually hidden by the higher order movement.
The reason that I am interested in this, is the implications it has for the therapeutic intervention we choose. When we see these "lower" movements in a quadruped or biped this indicates that there is some thing restricting the higher movement. If we can see the parts rather than the sum--the sum being mammalian movement--then that implies that there is some disruption of the summation function. If we can determine where and what is disrupting this summation we can potentially make more informed therapeutic interventions. This seems like a worthwhile endeavor to me.
The key to being able to "see" where the dysfunction is and, therefore, where we can intervene therapeutically, is in understanding the relationship between the spinal movements and their place or sequence in evolution.
For reference you may want to read Phillip Greenman's "Principles of Manual Medicine", Luigi Stecco's "Fascial Manipulation for Musculoskeletal Pain" and Serge Gracovetsky's "The Spinal Engine".
The spine has the following movements: Flexion/Extension, Lateral or side to side Bending and Rotation. Two of these are "coupled", which means that when one occurs the other occurs as well. The third is the product of the first two occuring. If one laterally bends the spine the coupled motion of rotation also occurs, with these two occuring there will be a flexion as well. The coupled movements occur due to the spinal mechanics, which is dependent on the anatomical barriers of the spinal vertebrae, their form or structure. The third movement occurs as a physical law applying to a semi-rigid column. (I'm making a video of this principle for the new website and for the upcoming equine myofascial massage/release video.)
I'm going to stop here, the key points are simple:
Mammalian movement is the summation of 3 evolutionary movements.
Mammalian movement, as a pattern, will be absent in the presence of a restriction. (The restriction is probably in the spine.)
The more "severe" the restriction the further backwards in evolution the movement will be. (This is the summation collolary: if mammalian movement is the summation of two early movements worm and reptile, then reptile movement is built on the worm like one. Therefore the restriction of the mammalian movement will result in a reptile like movement and the suppression of this will result in the worm like movement. This isn't a negative in itself, it is the body's seeking the most efficient movement for it has available. In other words there is no struggle in this.)
I'll write more as the investigation reveals more to write about. If you want to comment on this please do.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Roached Back

Both horses and dogs can "suffer" from a condition called a "roached back". Condition may be too strong a word to describe this. What it is, is a dorsal curve in the spine, usually in the thoraco-lumbar junction. In my opinion it occurs because of a restriction in either the shoulder blades or thorax. For instance my Labrador Retriever has a roached back that I think is the result of a surgical scar in his rib cage.
The roached back takes a while to develop and prevents the animal from fully extending.
My theory is that the restriction in the thorax prevents a complete movement of the energy wave of locomotion to move through the spine. The restriction causes a reflexion in the wave which is opposite of the original wave with less amplitude. The two waves, the one coming from the movement of the rear leags and the reflected wave add and subtract from each other, causing "standing waves" in the spine. Since the spine didn't evolve to accomodate these standing waves it roaches.
If you've ever watched a horse with restricted shoulders being ridden you'll see these standing waves being reflected in the rider's arms. The unskilled riders will flap their arms in response to this like they were wings.
In response these restrictions the horse and dog will change from a walk to a trot to a canter... earlier than they would without the restriction. I'm not sure why this is.
They will also exhibit either the amphibian or reptile style walk, rather than the mammalian walk.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Canine Myofascial Massage/Release

We finally sent the Canine Myofascial Massage/Release video to the replicators two days ago. It's a two disc set, an hour and 50 minutes long, but more important it's packed with information.
It's been a long jouney that started in May of last year. We filmed during my canine mfr course, with course attendees graciously sitting through my demonstrations.
The end of December I had one more day of voice overs to do when the computer disc crashed. Luckily we were able to get everything we needed off the drives, the video was on one drive, that was fine. But the support material, and the online course material, was on the drive that failed. It was two weeks before I could schedule the time to work on the project again.
If you are interested in the video look to the website for ordering information and out takes.